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International meeting
1. Initial conditions
2. Validation data
3. Sources and structure
4. Appendix
5. Related data
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UNDER PLANNING - International meeting

The International meeting on local fallout and black rain from Hiroshima A-bomb: A multi models approach (tentative title)

To be organized by Hiroshima City and international and local sponsors

Date : To be announced

The international meeting on the inter-laboratory comparison of model simulations of local fallout and black rain from the Hiroshima A-bomb in 1945 is expected to be held in the city of Hiroshima in near future. Further information on this meeting will be announced in due course on our website.



HiSoF international meeting suspended, while continuing study

First, Hiroshima City and HiSoF would like to express our gratitude to those kindly responded our call for help in finding meteorological observation data on/around the day of the Hiroshima A-bombing. For those data so far obtained by HiSoF, please see Databases page of our website.

International meeting to be pending
However, to conduct international inter-laboratory comparison study of model simulations on local fallout and ‘black rain’, we should regard those meteorological data so far collected are still insufficient to conduct model simulations, especially those on wind field.

We have also examined possibility of using existing wind field obtained by the 20th Century Reanalysis conducted by the NOAA, USA, as the wind field on August 1945. We found there are some discrepancies between observed upper wind data we have now and the wind data in the 20th Century Reanalysis.

Therefore, regarding planned international comparison study on model simulations, Hiroshima City and HiSoF decided that holding meeting in fiscal year of 2013 should be difficult; for the moment, it would be more realistic to suspend the decision on it, while continuing to deepen our study and explore scientific knowledge and data so as to elucidate uncertainties about local fallout and ‘black rain’.

Still seeking meteorological data and information
Hiroshima City and HiSoF are still seeking meteorological data on/around the very day of Hiroshima A-bombing. Your help and collaboration in finding those data would be enormously appreciated. For details, please refer to HiSoF news dated on May 29, 2012.


Record of update
Launch : 2010-11-25
Update :2016-12-15


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