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Revisit The Hiroshima A-bomb with a Database Volume2

Cover of the publication
(c) 2013 by Hiroshima City
edited by Michio Aoyama and Yutaka Oochi
ISBN 978-4-9905935-1-3

Publisher: Hiroshima City
March 2013

link toExtracts [PDF file]

Available on request.
For person who wishes to obtain this book, please contact HiSoF.

On August 6, 1945, a single atomic bomb reduced the streets of Hiroshima to rubble, taking many precious lives.

Making clear the reality of the atomic bombing and relaying to the next generation the full scope of that unprecedented disaster is the mission of Hiroshima, alongside seeking the total abolition of nuclear weapons.

In 2010, the City of Hiroshima, in order to explain the true nature of the damage from the bombing, established the Hiroshima Study Group on Re-construction of Local Fallout from A-bomb in 1945 (HiSoF). This group brought together experts in geochemistry, radiobiology, nuclear engineering, and other fields to study collections of the latest scientific findings and data with the goal of clarifying the true state of Hiroshima’s radioactive fallout.

This book is a volume 2 of the previously published essay collection of July 2011 “Revisit The Hiroshima A-bomb with a Database-Latest Scientific View on Local Fallout and Black Rain-”, that includes the newest results and data.

We sincerely hope that through this book, research on the reality of the damage from the bombing will further develop both domestically and internationally, and many people will feel compelled to work for a peaceful world without nuclear weapons due to their deepened understanding of the A-bomb’s disastrous effects.

From the Preface by Mayor of Hiroshima City, Kazumi Matsui


1. Initial Conditions

1.1 Aerological data in August 1945 at Hiroshima, Japan
Michio Aoyama, Masaru Chiba, Manami Suzuki

1.2 Neutron activation analysis for soils of Hiroshima City and plaster under roof-tiles of Old Hiroshima House
Satoru Endo, Yuta Taguchi, Tetsuji Imanaka, Satoshi Fukutani, Evgeniya Granovskaya, Masaharu Hoshi, Kotaro Shiraishi, Tsuyoshi Kajimoto, Kiyoshi Shizuma

1.3 Soil particle size measurements for the calculation of the spread of dusts blown up by the explosion of the Hiroshima atomic bomb
- For radiation dose estimation from neutron activated dusts of soils used in traditional Japanese houses and those of the ground surface -
Aya Sakaguchi, Masaharu Hoshi, Michio Aoyama, Hiroaki Kato, Yuichi Onda

2. Validation Data

2.1 Investigation on circular asymmetry of geographical distribution in cancer mortality of Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors based on risk maps: analysis of spatial survival data
Tetsuji Tonda, Kenichi Satoh, Keiko Otani, Yuya Sato, Hirofumi Maruyama, Hideshi Kawakami, Satoshi Tashiro, Masaharu Hoshi, Megu Ohtaki

2.2 Estimation of close-in fallout 137Cs deposition level due to the Hiroshima atomic bomb from soil samples under houses built 1–4 years after the explosion
Masayoshi Yamamoto, Masaharu Hoshi, Kassym Zhumadilov, Satoru Endo, Aya Sakaguchi, Tetsuji Imanaka, Yutaka Miyamoto

2.3 Gamma-ray thermoluminescence measurements: a record of fallout deposition in Hiroshima?
Stephen D. Egbert, George D. Kerr

Details of sampling points of under floor soil samples used in Yamamoto‘s paper in this book


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About the editors

Michio Aoyama is senior scientist of Geochemical Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan.
Yutaka Oochi is director of Atomic Bomb Survivors Relief Department, Hiroshima City.


Revisit The Hiroshima A-bomb with a Database : Latest Scientific View on Local Fallout and Black Rain

Cover of the publication
(c) 2011 by Hiroshima City
edited by Michio Aoyama and Yutaka Oochi
ISBN 978-4-9905935-0-6

Publisher: Hiroshima City
July 2011

link toExtracts [PDF file]

Available on request.
For person who wishes to obtain this book, please contact HiSoF.

Although many studies have been done on Hiroshima's radioactive fallout and the black rain that fell after the bombing, we have yet to fully understand its impact. As such, in 2010 we established the Hiroshima Study Group on Re-construction of Local Fallout from A-bomb in 1945 (HiSoF) to bring together experts in geochemistry, radiation biophysics, nuclear engineering, and other fields to further evaluate the extent and effects of Hiroshima's black rain and other radioactive fallout.

We created this book, which includes HiSoF's latest findings and data on the conditions right after the bombing, to facilitate collaborative research with experts in Japan and abroad. We sincerely hope it will become the basis for future studies on Hiroshima's radioactive fallout and damage, and that in turn, many more people will come to realize the A-bomb's disastrous effects and feel compelled to work for a peaceful world without nuclear weapons.

From the Preface by Mayor of Hiroshima City, Kazumi Matsui


1. Initial Conditions

1.1 Initial process of atomic bomb cloud formation and radioactivity distribution
Tetsuji Imanaka

1.2 Mapping the Fire Field near the Hypocenter of the Hiroshima A-bomb
Noriyuki Kawano, Megu Ohtaki, Takao Okada

1.3 Digital mapping of Hiroshima just before and after the atomic Bombing
Toshio Koizumi

1.4 Resources of heat, water and carbon fluxs for an induced urban fire in 1945 Hiroshima based on field research of Japanese traditional houses
Yoshihiro Okada and Michio Aoyama

1.5 Estimation of heat, water, and black carbon fluxs during the fire induced by the Hiroshima A-bomb
Michio Aoyama, Noriyuki Kawano, Toshio Koizumi, Takao Okada, Yoshihiro Okada, Megu Ohtaki, Takahiro Tanikawa

1.6 Height Estimation of Hiroshima A-bomb Mushroom Cloud from Photos
Masashi Baba, Fumio Ogawa, Shinsaku Hiura, Naoki Asada

2. Validation Data

2.1 Radiation survey activities in the early stages after the atomic bombing in Hiroshima
Tetsuji Imanaka

2.2 137Cs concentration in Soil Samples Collected in an Early Survey of Hiroshima Atomic Bomb and 235U/238U Ratios in Black Rain Streaks on a Plaster Wall
Kiyoshi Shizuma

2.3 Preliminary results on 137Cs in soil core samples collected from the under-floors of houses built within 1-4 years after the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb
Aya Sakaguchi, Haruka Chiga, Kiyoshi Shizuma, Masaharu Hoshi, Masayoshi Yamamoto

2.4 Geospatial Analysis of 137Cs in Hiroshima Soil Cores Collected in 1976 and 1978
Harry M. Cullings

2.5 A review of Masuda's re-investigation of 'black rain' after the Hiroshima A-bomb
Yoshinobu Masuda

2.6 Re-construction of spatial-time distribution of 'black rain' in Hiroshima based on statistical analysis of witness of survivors from atomic bomb
Megu Ohtaki

2.7 Feasibility of using 236U to reconstruct close-in fallout deposition from the Hiroshima atomic bomb
Aya Sakaguchi, Kenta Kawai, Peter Steier, Tetsuji Imanaka, Masaharu Hoshi, Satoru Endo, Kassym Zhumadilov, Masayoshi Yamamoto

3. Databases

Sources and a structure of database for numerical model simulation of the Hiroshima A-bomb in 1945
Michio Aoyama and HiSoF members

Appendix I
State and spread of fires in Hiroshima City

Appendix II
Meteorological Conditions Relating to the Atomic Bomb Explosion in Hiroshima City (1947, Synopsis)

Appendix III
History of Rainfall Areas


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About the editors

Michio Aoyama is senior scientist of Geochemical Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan.
Yutaka Oochi is director of Atomic Bomb Survivors Relief Department, Hiroshima City.

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In May 2010, the Research Group for Hiroshima "black rain" Radioactivity (RGHBR) issued a preliminary report on studies regarding radioactive fallout with "black rain" resulting from the Hiroshima atomic bomb. The report suggested the area exposed to "black rain" may have been wider than previously estimated.

link toFull report (Japanese, partly English) [PDF file]

link toExtracts (English papers only) [PDF file]

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by A.Sakaguchi, K.Kawai, P.Steier, T.Imanaka, M.Hoshi, S.Endo, K.Zhumadilov, M.Yamamoto
Science of the Total Environment, Vol.408, Issue 22, Page 5392-5398

link toAbstract

Handling of Fallout Processes from Nuclear Explosions - in Severe Nuclear Accident Program (SNAP)
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link toShortened version (full report available on request from atuthors and HiSoF) [PDF file]

Record of update
Launch : 2010-11-25
Update :2016-12-15


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